John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. Visit the official website at John Carter - the newest movie from Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton - is an action adventure story set … [Read more...] about New John Carter Trailer | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
New John Carter Trailer introduced by Andrew Stanton | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. Visit the official website at John Carter - the newest movie from Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton - is an action adventure story set … [Read more...] about New John Carter Trailer introduced by Andrew Stanton | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
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Life size Lightning McQueen – Cars 2 now available to own!
Taking a staggering 100 hours and using 5554 toy cars, talented model maker Jay Sheppard has made a life-size model of Cars 2 race car, superstar, Lightning McQueen. The giant sculpture, created out of thousands of Cars toy cars marks the release of Cars 2 out now on 3D Blu-ray™, Blu-ray™ & DVD. "Like" us on Facebook Visit the Disney Store … [Read more...] about Life size Lightning McQueen – Cars 2 now available to own!
New Brave Trailer | Official Disney Pixar 2012 Trailer | HD
Brave is a grand adventure full of heart, memorable characters and signature Pixar humour. It uncovers a new tale in the mysterious Highlands of Scotland where the impetuous Merida defies an age-old custom and inadvertently unleashes chaos, forcing her to discover the meaning of true bravery before it's too late. Visit the official site: Like us on Facebook: Since ancient … [Read more...] about New Brave Trailer | Official Disney Pixar 2012 Trailer | HD