After years of growing apart, Harold Lee and Kumar Patel have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrives at Kumar's door on Christmas Eve, his attempt to redirect it to Harold's house ends with the "high grade" contents -- and Harold's father-in-law's prize Christmas tree -- … [Read more...] about A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas – TV Spot 55
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas TV Spot 12
After years of growing apart, Harold Lee and Kumar Patel have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrives at Kumar's door on Christmas Eve, his attempt to redirect it to Harold's house ends with the "high grade" contents -- and Harold's father-in-law's prize Christmas tree -- … [Read more...] about A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas TV Spot 12
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas TV Spot 13
After years of growing apart, Harold Lee and Kumar Patel have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrives at Kumar's door on Christmas Eve, his attempt to redirect it to Harold's house ends with the "high grade" contents -- and Harold's father-in-law's prize Christmas tree -- … [Read more...] about A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas TV Spot 13
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas – TV Spot 67
After years of growing apart, Harold Lee and Kumar Patel have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrives at Kumar's door on Christmas Eve, his attempt to redirect it to Harold's house ends with the "high grade" contents -- and Harold's father-in-law's prize Christmas tree -- … [Read more...] about A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas – TV Spot 67
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas – TV Spot 68
After years of growing apart, Harold Lee and Kumar Patel have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrives at Kumar's door on Christmas Eve, his attempt to redirect it to Harold's house ends with the "high grade" contents -- and Harold's father-in-law's prize Christmas tree -- … [Read more...] about A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas – TV Spot 68