John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. Visit the official website at John Carter the newest movie from Academy Award®--winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton is an action adventure story set on … [Read more...] about John Carter – An Introduction to John Carter | Official Disney HD
John Carter – New Extended Superbowl Spot | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
The extended superbowl spot for Disney's John Carter. John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. Visit the official website at John Carter the newest movie from Academy Award®--winning … [Read more...] about John Carter – New Extended Superbowl Spot | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
Jack the Giant Killer – Trailer 1 (HD)
When a princess is kidnapped, threatening the long-standing peace between humans and giants, a young farmer leads a rescue mission to the giants' kingdom. … [Read more...] about Jack the Giant Killer – Trailer 1 (HD)
New John Carter Trailer | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. Visit the official website at John Carter - the newest movie from Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton - is an action adventure story set … [Read more...] about New John Carter Trailer | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
New John Carter Trailer introduced by Andrew Stanton | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD
John Carter tells the tale of war-weary, former military captain John Carter, who is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes reluctantly involved in a conflict of epic proportions between the inhabitants of the planet. Visit the official website at John Carter - the newest movie from Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton - is an action adventure story set … [Read more...] about New John Carter Trailer introduced by Andrew Stanton | Official Disney 2012 Trailer | HD