An extraordinary journey to the top of the world, the documentary adventure "To The Arctic 3D" tells the ultimate tale of survival. Narrated by Oscar(R) winner Meryl Streep, the film takes audiences on a never-before-experienced journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her twin seven-month-old cubs as they navigate the changing Arctic wilderness they call home. … [Read more...] about TO THE ARCTIC – Official Trailer [HD]
J. Edgar Trailer
As the face of law enforcement in America for almost fifty years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind closed doors, he held secrets that would have destroyed his image, his career and his life. Under the direction of Clint Eastwood, Leonardo DiCaprio stars in the title role of "J. Edgar," a drama that explores the public and private life of … [Read more...] about J. Edgar Trailer