"Project X" is an out-of-control comedy that follows a group of buds who set out to throw the most epic 17th birthday party ever. The film documents a high school party that gets completely out of control, shot from the perspective of the digital cameras that the kids have with them. … [Read more...] about Project X – TV Spot 8
Project X – TV Spot 9
"Project X" is an out-of-control comedy that follows a group of buds who set out to throw the most epic 17th birthday party ever. The film documents a high school party that gets completely out of control, shot from the perspective of the digital cameras that the kids have with them. … [Read more...] about Project X – TV Spot 9
Project X – TV Spot 6
"Project X" is an out-of-control comedy that follows a group of buds who set out to throw the most epic 17th birthday party ever. The film documents a high school party that gets completely out of control, shot from the perspective of the digital cameras that the kids have with them. … [Read more...] about Project X – TV Spot 6
Project X – TV Spot 10
"Project X" is an out-of-control comedy that follows a group of buds who set out to throw the most epic 17th birthday party ever. The film documents a high school party that gets completely out of control, shot from the perspective of the digital cameras that the kids have with them … [Read more...] about Project X – TV Spot 10
Project X – TV Spot 12
"Project X" is an out-of-control comedy that follows a group of buds who set out to throw the most epic 17th birthday party ever. The film documents a high school party that gets completely out of control, shot from the perspective of the digital cameras that the kids have with them … [Read more...] about Project X – TV Spot 12